College Influencer Tips: Jessica C. Writes on Campus Safety for Female College Students

Thought Collective #3 – Being a Female College Student & Campus Safety.
Hello everyone and welcome back to another post in my Thought Collective series! A few weeks back I talked about my high school experience and how that affected my mental health. Today I want to talk about what it’s like being a woman in college.
First off, this post is sponsored by Bond*. This is a personal safety app that I think everyone should have, but it is especially vital for college students.
Before I tell you about the app, let me give you some background:
As a freshman in college, I was always the safe one, the cautious one, the ‘mom’ friend, if you will. My friends on the other hand? Not so much. They went out to parties with their phones at 20%, usually not planning ahead on how they’ll get home, etc.
This terrified me. They always relied on me to make sure they were taken care of and got home safe. Which I didn’t mind, of course, as I would have done it any way.
But the world is a pretty scary place, especially as a woman. There have been thousands of stories of women being harassed, attacked, kidnapped, etc. right on the street, with no one helping them. I often had to walk home alone after a late-night class, or even just to my car in a parking lot. Every person becomes a suspect when you’re a vulnerable person walking alone at night. It’s a sad reality that we’re unforunately faced with.
During my freshman year, a report also came out about a woman being kidnapped and murdered by a man who claimed to be her Uber driver. I have never forgotten about that.

There have been reports of break-ins in my area, recently, and just yesterday, a strange person had been knocking on our door, which was frightening. My friend’s TikTok feeds have even been flooded with safety tips for girls (many of them about walking alone at night). Girls are always thinking of the fastest exit in every situation, will carry their keys between their fingers, or have pepper spray at their side.
I can talk on and on about the various situations that girls specifically are faced with when going out of the house that never even cross the minds of men.
So let me now tell you about Bond. Like I mentioned, this is a personal security service that has so many amazing features.
Bond’s Top features for staying safe on Campus
I go on frequent long walks/runs around my neighborhood or on the beach (which you may have seen on my Instagram), and now whenever I do that, I turn on the “Track Me on the Go” setting. This makes sure that my location is being tracked until I reach my destination. If I ever feel like I’m in a dangerous situation, I even put on the “Ready an Agent” feature, which will signal an agent if the situation escalates and I’m in need of assistance. These agents are ready 24/7, so you never have to worry about being alone.

I think my favorite part about it is that it’s not just made for you. You can connect all of your friends and family members, too. I personally created a group with my housemates so that we always know where each person is.
In the free version, you have access to the location services, dial 911, and siren features. You can get a free 3 day trial for the app, and after that it’s only $4.99 a month to unlock the rest of the features I talked about. That is such a low cost for all that it provides, in my opinion!
Link to Jessica’s Blog JessicaWrites

If you want to give it a try, click this link to read more and download it for yourself! Campus safety is of a huge importance to me, so I hope that this is something you look into.
I hope you all have a great week and I’ll talk to you soon!

Enjoy Bond. Stay safe. Keep the comments and recommendations coming,
Download Bond from the App Store
Download Bond from Google Play