Major News Outlets, Including, KTLA News in Los Angeles, California, and the Influential Daily Mail, are Lining Up to tell to the Bond story

Rising crime, personal bodyguards on demand, safety and mindfulness, keeping your loved ones and family under the watchful eye of a professional, highly trained and empathetic personal security service have driven major news outlets to the groundbreaking story of the Bond personal security service.
First up is the Daily Mail. With millions of daily readers, they write stories that feel like a three-ring circus with exciting visuals and catchy headlines. We love “Presidential treatment!” We’d thought of VIP treatment. Live like a celebrity. Bodyguards for the everyman. But, Presidential Treatment hit home with us. We feel like that for all of our members. Whether they need a friend to make sure they get home safely, or need a car to get them out of a situation quickly, we believe every citizen should have access to the human right of feeling safe. Because, if you feel safe and free of anxiety, you can live each moment of this life to its fullest.
To read the full article, click here: DAILY MAIL
KTLA Los Angeles
The newscasters in the crime-challenged city of Los Angeles, California (see map below), jumped all over the Bond story. They hit the nail on the head, focusing on the difference between security at home and security outside of the home. They interviewed our CEO, Doron Kempel, and even featured a showcase of calling one of our security agents live on the prime time news broadcast.
How do you follow live action Bond story on the prime time news….well, the vaunted comes in with a featured article that takes us through the origin story of our CEO and the genesis, timeliness and future of personal security in a world that few of our parents would recognize. The rise of personal security begins with our innovative services that wrap you in a virtual security blanket everytime you walk out the front door, and even when you’re in your home. What else is make clear in this pointed story is that the Bond leadership and team all have skin in this game. We all like to win, grow and succeed. And the legacy of a better world motivates us all.
News stations continue to line up to tell the Bond story for their viewership. While news stations typically thrive on crime stories, they rarely tell stories of how to avoid crime. Our story on KMOV in St,. Louis was the antithesis of if it bleeds it leads. If you get home safe, you win. If your daily anxiety is alleviated you get to spend more quality time with your family. Of course, viewers have long been tired of the bad news news, so when the Bond story came along, it lit up the airways and the website. Our downloads in the midwest skyrocketed.
There’s a new three B’s way to live in the music and food midwest haven of St. Louis: BBQ, Blues and Bond.
See how safety is done in the midwest: KMOV4 St. Louis
Enjoy Bond. Stay safe. Keep the comments and recommendations coming,
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