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Bond is advised
by world-class security experts

Mark J. Sullivan
Mark J. Sullivan

Former Director, U.S. Secret Service

"I am happy to be part of Bond’s mission, to enhance personal security and peace-of-mind to all. Bond’s unique combination of human and technological excellence extends the frontier of personal security beyond what has been available to the mass market thus far in terms of affordability, effectiveness, and without compromising privacy."

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John Pistole
John Pistole

Former Deputy Director, FBI and Former Administrator, TSA, and President, Anderson University (IN)

"With my 31 years experience in national security/law enforcement and transportation security at the FBI and TSA, and now six years as a university president, I see a growing and compelling need for the comprehensive services Bond offers, all available through a simple to use App. Personal safety provided through a suite of personalized services..."

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Raymond Kelly
Raymond Kelly

Former NYPD Commissioner

"I am happy to be part of the Bond mission. Bond offers a unique and valuable service, enhancing peace-of-mind and personal security for individuals and families..."

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Kathleen O'Toole
Kathleen O'Toole

Former Chief of Police, Seattle and Former Police Commissioner, Boston

"I am happy to join Bond as an Advisor. Bond services are unique, high quality, and address a real market need. Bond offers a layer of personal security and peace-of-mind services that combines innovative technologies and a human touch. These services complement 911 emergency services."

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Ed Davis
Ed Davis

Former Police Commissioner of the Boston Police Department

"With 35 years of law enforcement experience, I am certain that Bond is launching groundbreaking technology with the use of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. I believe that Bond..."

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Jody Weis
Jody Weis

Former Superintendent, Chicago PD and Former FBI Special Agent in Charge, Philadelphia Field Office

"Having been responsible for the police force of one of America’s largest cities, I'm extremely encouraged to see Bond providing safety and peace of mind for numerous issues..."

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Benefits of the Bond
Personal Security Platform

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    Deliver security, safety, and peace-of-mind to all employees outside corporate buildings: lone workers, commuters, work-from-home employees, plus travelers (both domestic and international)

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    Protect your company from the ramifications of injury to employees outside buildings: financial, legal, reputational, and morale

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    Effective and Proven: Handled > 50,000 cases, including life saving situations; and endorsed by former heads of US Secret Service, FBI and Police

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    Affordable, scalable and entails virtually zero setup cost and time

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    Bond Personal Security as a Service (PSaaS) assures privacy, boosting adoption by your employees

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